Tell me what justice looks like to you and why this is so important?
"Justice to me wil be when those 7 people in the house watched him die on the kitchen floor then moved his body get what they deserve!"
Dee W. Stockton. Ca
"Justice looks like knowing the truth about what occurred in the last year. I know many people wanted and took pieces of him all throughout the years and they didn't measure up. I am sad evil humans who were selfish took his life from us. But they cannot extinguish his light as it shines on through his essence in the lyrics he wrote that mean so much more than anyone has ever been ready for. We have some time to catch up and hopefully, for our own sake, we do. He was unabashedly pure love and creation"
Melissa S. West Milton
"For me, justice is knowing that someone e is responsible and that we were an example for all of those who think they can commit a crime and get away with it. Knowing that those who commit crimes, are still held responsible. It is important, because the world we live in needs to be able to depend on others. "
Angela D. Soddy Daisy, TN
"We need answers to why he was taken from all of us that love him.And those that hiding in the dark must be brought to light.Justice is real answers and those that are hiding be brought to light and justice served to them,And answers that solve this case,no more hiding.We want Justice for Cuz,and all of us that are waiting so hard to know what happened to the man we all loved so much."
Karen H. New Port Richey, Florida
"Justice looks like a real investigation. Real questioning.Getting strsight answers from those who were there..Looking into the conflicts of interest that exist in this case. Finding where those misprinted pills came from and holding them accountable. Having the courage to investigate some of the high profile people that probably have more knowledge than letting on"
Gina C. Jackson
"It looks like someone paying for committing a crime. Because people need to be accountable for their actions"
Sherry D. Stratford Connecticut
"JUSTICE is the acquisition or manifestation of some sort of "compensation" for an UNjust act. This compensation SHOULD be in the form of a punishment that is equal to, or more severe than, the unethical act that one person has brought upon another. Justice should include a public shaming via the exposure and acknowledgement of the act. Behind-closed-doors acknowledgements are not nearly as impactful. In my opinion, "true" justice would also entail [the person that unlawfully betrayed someone] being caused to suffer in the same way that they caused suffering to their victim and/or to those who love the victim. Justice is important because, without it, there is no closure, there is no "last chapter", and the story remains infinitely sans a final draft. And I truly believe that Peace can NOT be fully attained without justice."
Vicki P. Bay Area, CA
"Justice looks like the parties responsible being brought before the law. Justice looks like the police department being held responsible for contaminaing the scene and mishandling the investigation into Prince's death. I do not believe Prince was addicted to any drugs. Most addicts have a high tolerance for their drug of choice. I believe his medication had been tampered with and changed and that is why he overdosed. I do not believe for one minute Prince was addicted to any pain relief. The people involved need to be brought in and convicted. "
Tanya T. Las Vegas/NV
"The mudic industry and those snakes around Prince exposed for murdering him . The truth told that Prince was not abusing opioids. The estate distributed now to the hiers . Everything stolen by WB given back to the estate. "
Olivia C. Charleston, SC
"Justice to me is the truth to come forth of All conspiring and who murdered Prince, and that everyone get their just punishment. Jail time. It cannot bring him back but Prince didn't deserve to he treated that way. Also to be lied on trying to portray him as having a drug addiction. That was just wrong. Prince was clean cut and wanted to live. Everyone involved will reap what they sowed because God will have the last vengeance for his special son given to us.🙏🏼 "
Carolyn R. Baltimore , Maryland
"Justice to me is finding out who came up with the fake pills that was laced with fentanyl and why anybody would want to hurt him knowing that that was too strong for him somebody is responsible for that and they need to be found out."
David H. Saginaw mich..